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Unit 4 Then and now知识点

2020年10月09日 16:17:31 访问量:1162 作者:卞婷

Unit 4 Then and now


1. then and now过去和现在

2. six years ago六年前

3. do many things做很多事

4. write letters to his friends = write to his friends写信给他的朋友

5. in the office在办公室里

6. use the telephone使用电话

7. call people打电话给人们

 8. a mobile phone一部手机

9. call people anywhere随处打电话给人们

10. write/send an email/发一封电子邮件

11. listen to the radio听收音机

12. watch news on the Internet在网上看新闻

13. read e-books看电子书

14. make friends with sb. 与某人交朋友

15. e-friends from all over the world来自世界各地的网友

16. do shopping = do the shopping = do some shopping = go shopping购物21世纪教育网版权所有

17. work hard 努力工作

 18. invent the aeroplane发明飞机

19. an American man一位美国男士

 20. a British girl一个英国女孩21世纪教育网21世纪

221. have an English lesson上一节英语课

22. look out of the window朝窗外看

23. listen to me听我说  

 24. go on继续

25. spell the new words拼写新单词

26. get angry = be angry生气的

27. make a sentence with …来造句

28. wait for the answer等待答案

 29. just now刚才21世纪教育网

30. a moment ago一会儿以前


1.      He could not write.


2.      Mr Brown wrote letters to his friends.

3.      Tom listened to the radio.

4.      She does shopping on the Internet.

5.      She bought things from shops.

6.      Bob is looking out of the window.

7.      He used the telephone at home and in the office to call people.

8.      He has a mobile phone and he can call people anywhere.

9.      He can read and watch news on the Internet.

10.   ----What day is it today?

----It’s Wednesday.                 

11.    Miss Fox waits for the answers.



Can--could   read – read  write—wrote  make—made buy--bought




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